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Post #1106679

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ROUND 4 - now 22 movies!!! The Ritty's Star Wars Saga (Released)
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Date created
10-Sep-2017, 11:03 AM

The Ritty said:

It was all there just too much cgi, too many wooden takes, bad dialogue - stuff that severley hindered both jake lloyd and hayden christiensen(?)'s performances. They’re both GREAT - he just speilberged it up with bad kiddie stuff (in TPM) and making Anakin a whiney … in AOTC lol (“it’s all obi wan’s fault! blah blah whine whine…”). I don’t know why he made the choices he did

Sorry you just lost me. Those were terrible performances, imho. Hayden Christensen has yet to show a superb acting performance (Jumper…shudders). And blaming Spielberg for Lucas’s blunders is dumbfounding to me. Spielberg’s quality was only tarnished when he allowed Lucas too much control (Temple of Doom, Crystal Skull).