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Post #1106557

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Date created
9-Sep-2017, 8:20 PM

exitzero said:

I just donated $100. Best of luck.

We all thank you for that! Wow!

I didn’t read through all 14 pages so some of these ideas on my wishlist may have been already been suggested.

*The shield generator is on the Endor Moon, so maybe on wide space shots add the planet Endor behind the moon.

I’m big on this one. Like how you can see Yavin when the ships are leaving Yavin IV.

*If you are adding female rebel pilots, consider re-voicing a stormtrooper, or better yet a biker scout, with a woman’s voice. I wanted to suggest that for ESB:R but it was too late.

I like the idea of this, but there’s only a handful of lines…

*Would also love to see a shield aperture similar to Scarif on the Endor Moon.

But the shield doesn’t protect the whole planet.

The reason they have to lower the shield for Tydirium is for that section on the ground. The entire Endor part of the movie takes place in this how-many-ever square mile area…

*A shot with Tie-Strikers patrolling Endor.

…which also limits the air stuff that can take place. The area is big enough for speeder bikes to not really worry about where they’re going, so maybe we could have some Strikers? I think Vader’s shuttle when he goes to pick up Luke doesn’t need an escort because it’s inside the shield the whole time.

*When you re-do the rebel hanger, a snowspeeder tucked away in a corner half covered with a tarp would be a nice tie in to ESB. Colonial Viper would be a cool Easter egg.

LOL, that’d be great. They do make Vipers in the right scale… 😉

*Shots of rebel gunners in the Millennium Falcon.

Could be cool.

*See different angles of the Death Star

Another thing I want.

*fix noticeable back seam on Ewok’s costume

Which one? https://starwarsscreencaps.com/star-wars-episode-vi-return-of-the-jedi-1983/

On a side note, I have tried to find the forum for the original Star Wars: Revisited with no luck. If it is still available, could someone PM me the link? Thanks.

I love how it’s literally two threads down. 😉