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Post #1106089

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
8-Sep-2017, 3:38 PM

chyron8472 said:

Warbler said:

Another asshole sits for the anthem. (and yes, I know you all think I’m the asshole)

Jeebus said:

Another PATRIOT showing us all how great this country really is!

*shrug* I’m… actually on the fence about this issue.

Warbler said:

No, what makes this country great, is that he can do it. Actually doing it does not make the country great. It insults the country.

But I agree with this. However, I think it’s neither as offensive nor as benign as people make it out to be. I think what I find most offensive is that people in either camp make such a big deal out of it. The man sat; let him sit. It might be offensive, but it’s less offensive if people don’t draw big red circles with arrows pointing at the man.

How many times do I have to say that it is legal for them to protest the anthem and that I wouldn’t want it any other way?

It’s like the media feeds off of sensationalism, so who cares if this argument is hurting the country. Let’s argue about it nonstop anyway. The man is allowed to sit, so unless we want to make it illegal for him to do so, just let the man sit as though his voice didn’t matter. To complain about his voice only helps to make it louder.

Sorry when I see something I think worthy of complaint, I complain about it. You could have made the same argument about the Westboro Baptists, yet it stop people complaining about them either(note: I am not saying the people protesting the anthem are as bad as those that protest funerals).