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Post #1106064

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Date created
8-Sep-2017, 2:25 PM

chyron8472 said:

Looked at my backlog and realized I never played my copy of Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD Remix.

So back to the PS3 and started playing Kingdom Hearts II, especially in preparation for the upcoming KH3.

You really didn’t need to post the cover. If I had a PS2 and PS3, I’d finally play Red Dead Redemption, complete Red Dead Revolver, Uncharted Trilogy, and some Yakuza. No JRPGs and especially not Kingdom Hearts nor Persona.

Possessed said:

Not if you’ve got a good texture pack. After playing both N64 Zelda games in 1080p on a massive screen with all textures replaced by high resolution textures but in the same art style I couldn’t imagine playing them any other way ever again. I mean if you just want it to look like it did in 1998 but bigger then yes you are correct, but internal upscaling by emulators (for N64 it’s not even really upscaling it’s just actually generating at a higher resolution so no pixelation or blocks) has gotten very good, but with the texture packs like I said they don’t even have to do that because the textures are hd anyway.

On my display snes games look best with 2xsai applied. No it’s not faithful and it does to a small degree change the look of the games, but it doesn’t change the feel of how they look and on a screen the size of a wall it provides the best overall experience in my opinion, faithful or not.

To me texture repacks are fine as long as they follow the original game. I can’t stand filters with emulators. Give me pillarboxed 1080p OAR with zero filters applied.

Replaying Assassin’s Creed III, IV: Black Flag, and EMPIRE: Total War largely in part of the History class required for my General Education requirement I’m taking this semester. (US History to 1865.) Is pretty cool and was even playing Napoleon: Total War with it. Bit of Civilization I-V too. Don’t have VI yet.