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Post #1104273

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Date created
3-Sep-2017, 1:27 PM

ANH and TESB Revisited were absolutely incredible, and I am looking forward immensely to ROTJ Revisited. Longtime reader, VERY rare commenter here. If I may throw in a few ideas and thoughts:

  • It might be cool to add Jabba’s unused line “I was killing your kind back when being a Jedi meant something.” Hardly important, of course, but a potentially nice touch.

  • Jedi Rocks is musically much worse than Lapti Nek, and a lot of the moments of the new CGI band members are WAY too cartoonish. However, the awkwardness of the original Sy Snootles puppet during that scene still strikes me as a problem, and it would be a shame to lose every shot of the other new additions. Something like this seems close to ideal for me personally: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7omDRTzbmM … but of course, if fixing Snootles through cantina-izing alone is possible, more power to you!

  • In the official cut, once Luke jumps back onto the skiff plank, he stands there waiting for his lightsaber to fall into his hand long enough for one of the guards to attack him. Maybe cutting/shortening a shot or shots in that sequence could make it quicker? Maybe even have Artoo launch the saber before Luke makes his move?

  • “Luke, you’re going to find that that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view.” As iconic as the previous “what I told you was true depending on your point of view” line may be, this explanation that followed it seems more like Obi-Wan is rationalizing rather than delivering wisdom. The focus should be Obi-Wan coming clean unconditionally and the audience learning how painful Anakin’s betrayal was for him too, not detached equivocation.

  • I was glad to read that Adywan is going to be reducing Leia’s dialogue during the “you’re my sister” scene. Both Harrison and Carrie’s performances don’t quite match the level of their Hope and Empire performances, and with Leia in particular her dialogue seem to be written differently too. It’s always been jarring. Hopefully other out-of-character moments can be tweaked throughout the movie.

  • Maybe removing Vader’s “He will come to me?” It seems like an odd duplication when Palpatine already told him “in time he will seek you out” in a previous scene.

  • Luke’s line “I feel the conflict within you. Let go of your hate” sounds less like a passionate plea than it does trying to recite the line as fast as possible for some reason. Maybe introducing a pause between those two sentences would suffice to make it more natural? Or, barring that, would cutting “let go of your hate” be seen as a bridge too far?

  • I always thought it might be cool if when Luke surrenders to Vader, Vader igniting Luke’s lightsaber was moved to after the stormtroopers lead him away. That way, it would come across as Vader reflecting on Luke’s words about whether he’s redeemable, an expression of his internal conflict symbolized by Vader holding a Jedi rather than Sith blade for the first time in decades.

  • Just one instance of Palpatine or Yoda using the word “Sith” would be great, if possible. Even before the prequels, it was a strange omission.

  • Last I read, Adywan intends to keep Coruscant at the end (albeit with the celebration changed to a riot), which presumably means Bespin and Tatooine are staying too…but is Naboo on the chopping block? It would be a shame to lose one harmless bit of prequel connectivity (“wesa free” aside; of course get rid of that), given many fans will be marathoning Revisited alongside their preferred prequel edits. In fact, I’d personally like to see a couple more planets, particularly Kashyyyk. (For those who ignore the prequels, brief flashes of previously-unseen worlds can just be viewed as a tour of a vast galaxy that’s much larger than a lawless backwater like Tatooine and obscure gas mine Cloud City.)

  • Finally, bear with me on this last one: I know Adywan intends to restore Sebastian Shaw as Anakin’s Force ghost. I understand why; regardless of one’s like or dislike of the prequels, it was staggeringly sloppy and lazy of Lucas to simply reuse existing footage of Hayden’s head that hadn’t even been aged up to look like a man who’d be in his late forties. Having said that…Shaw still presents the audience with the opposite problem: Obi-Wan standing next to his former student as played by someone a decade older than Alec Guinness. Is there any sort of visual tweaking that could be applied to make Shaw look somewhat younger, somewhat easier to connect with the character audiences know from either the prequels or the Clone Wars? Facial tweaking, more hair, darker robes, anything?