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Post #1102382

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The Unofficial Complete REVISITED SAGA Ideas and Random Discussion Thread
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Date created
28-Aug-2017, 2:40 AM

Octorox said:

Luke going back to Ben’s Hut to find journals Ben left for him is actually part of the “Disney canon” through the Marvel Star Wars comics, only it happens between ANH and ESB.

Yep, that’s true, I remember reading that also. Actually when that issue came out, I was really excited reading that they also thought of an idea regarding Luke finding some journals at Ben’s hut (it does make sense after all), only it’s too bad they chose to have Luke return at that time period and they couldn’t resist having an encounter with Boba, instead of it being set after ESB and without a scuffle with Fett where I feel that plot point would’ve benefited most leading up to ROTJ.

It’s a good thing then that Ady isn’t necessarily taking into account for what happens in the EU while improving the films 😉