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Post #1102239

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The Unofficial Complete REVISITED SAGA Ideas and Random Discussion Thread
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Date created
27-Aug-2017, 11:46 AM

I think that the whole Tatooine sequence could be re-edited to seem a little less… convoluted?

My ideal sequence would be:

R2 goes to palace ALONE (3po provides only fan service, because he’s gone use more subtitles)
R2 delivers message Reveal of carbonite.
Jabba decides to execute Han to spite Luke, unthaw him.
Cell scene with reveal of Chewie.
Luke arrives, threatens Jabba, fights rancor, gets captured.
Sarlacc pit sequence minus Leia
Luke uses the force to fire the gun at the deck of the skiff?
Luke escapes with Han, Lando, Chewie, and R2
Luke hears Leia over the ship radio
Luke heads to dagobah while Han and Lando settle their differences and head back to the fleet.

This would would be better in a few ways:
Instead of sending in 4 waves, there are only 3
The plan is more coherent
Lando and Chewie went in at around the same time (Like Lando mentioned in Empire)
The reveal of Chewie is actually a surprise for the audience