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Post #1100627

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Date created
22-Aug-2017, 9:36 AM

Tobar said:

The Hallow (2015)

Had never heard of this film before today. Just happened to stumble upon it and I’m glad I did. This was director Corin Hardy’s debut and what a debut it is. The film is a surprisingly well done exploration of real Irish folklore in a modern context. Everything from the script, the performances, the cinematography and effects are executed with perfection. It’s a real shame this was never released theatrically stateside, I think it would have done very well. If you’re looking for a new horror/monster film to check out, I highly recommend it!

I think you oversold this a bit. It was decent but it just didn’t land with me in this way. And it was so damn dark, there were several times I couldn’t tell what was going on.

6.5/10. Loses half a point due to a combination of inflated expectations and the fact that they kept calling their baby “Finnball.”