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Post #1100213

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The Place to Go for Emotional Support
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Date created
20-Aug-2017, 4:58 PM

TV’s Frink said:

ChainsawAsh said:

moviefreakedmind said:

TV’s Frink said:

Honestly mfm, based on your posts about friends and relationships in this thread, you need professional help as well.

So I’m told. I don’t trust them though; they’ll probably just try to medicate me. Which I don’t need.

Don’t see a psychiatrist, see a psychologist or general therapist. They can’t prescribe medications. Even if you see a psychiatrist who can, if you tell them at the beginning that you don’t want to use medication except as an absolute last resort, a good shrink will listen.

Also don’t get discouraged if the first one you go to isn’t right for you. It can take time to find a therapist that fits your needs.

Which reminds me, I should probably call my old therapist and see if I can start going again…

Yes, to CA you must listen.

Californians are a bunch of damn hippies 😉