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Post #1099240

Lord Haseo
Parent topic
The Kenobi Movie Show (Spoilers)
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Date created
18-Aug-2017, 1:31 AM

Density said:

Obi-Wan Kenobi? Now there’s a movie I’ve wanted to see for a long time… A long time.

Seriously this is the only rumored anthology movie concept I genuinely wanted to happen. If they use Ewan and go for a kind of Western vibe, as some have suggested, it could be great. Why? Because even though the character is familiar, the concept is different for a Star Wars movie. A smaller-scale, character-driven movie that’s about more relatable struggles and not about saving the universe or giving us answers to questions we never asked? That would be refreshing. See: Logan. In fact I can see this having a lot of parallels with Logan.


Also I hope they make Cad Bane the main antagonist.