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Post #1098188

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Star Wars Trilogy SE bluray color regrade (a WIP)
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Date created
15-Aug-2017, 6:27 PM

towne32 said:

dahmage said:

oh man, that bluray looks so terrible, and your regrades so wonderful!

Just to nitpick, haven’t we clarified that the blu-ray always looks much more purple and terrible once the frames have been processed in any way? I mean, they still have crappy blue-ish grading, and Dre’s is a million times better. But it doesn’t look as bad as the frame grabs often suggest.

I forget who finally worked this out. Williarob or Neverar maybe? It unfortunately gives a little bit of credit to the pro-SE/PT trolls who have claimed, in the past, that our comparisons exaggerate the BD’s flaws.

It was an issue that I noticed when exporting video from Premiere, and again when uploading to youtube or vimeo. I think it has to do with Rec 601 vs Rec 709 decoding confusion. But if you just pulled the video into any video editor, did a frame grab from that program (or just frame grabbed from VLC), and uploaded it as a still image, then it should be an accurate representation. The blu-ray really is that purple.