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Post #1097902

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Episode V: The Ridiculousness Strikes Back
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Date created
14-Aug-2017, 6:01 PM

Inspired by this post by Xhonzi:

xhonzi said:

xhonzi said:

Last year for Christmas I gave my then 2.5 year old (now 3.5 year old) an AT-AT. Note the clever wrapping job above. (Don’t note the poor focus of the photo). Since then, he’s lovingly referred to it as his ‘robot puppy’ and he plays with it on a fairly regular basis. It was the one toy he took with him to our Thanksgiving party.

This weekend we watched Ady’s ESB Theatrical Reconstruction (which was awesome!) and I was really excited about him seeing his robot puppy larger than life on the big screen. When they finally appeared, the other kids got really excited for him and started yelling. At first he was silent as he watched it in awe… then he jumped up and down and cheered for the robot puppies… and then the rebels brought down the first one.

He burst into tears.

He was quite upset. A lot of things can make a 3.5 year old upset, so at first I wasn’t sure what had him twisted up. But through the sobs, he told us that he didn’t like them hurting the robot puppies and it made him sad. My oldest tried to explain to him that the robot puppies were the bad guys… but that didn’t help.

Not one bit.

It was kind of awesome.

Watched ESB:R with the fam this weekend. My now 8 year old was still really sad about the death of the Robot Puppies. For the remainder of the flick, he badmouthed Luke, called him a puppy killer, and otherwise cheered on his failures.

Great kid! Either I’m going to spank him or I’m beginning to like him!

Have the AT-AT’s called Robot Puppies. They growl and bark as they attack the rebels, and they Yipe! when brought down.