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Clone Wars Movie Series [Episodes I to V released; Episode IX WIP] — Page 10


Episode IV, A Galaxy Divided, full nitpicking mode 😄

Opening Crawl: very good crawl, not much is feasible to improve it (except maybe the title which is not very well chosen I think).

Audio glitches (2):

  • around 01:32:20 (just after “where are you ?”)
  • around 01:40:44

Useless/repetitive/cheesy dialogues : “Senate Spy” is the weak part of your cut. The idea of intercutting it with “Duchesse of Mandalore” is great and it leads to the very fun second battle of Geonosis, but I think it can be trimmed a little bit more. So here are a few suggestions of things that could be removed without damaging the plot.

  • from 00:37:30 ("what does it mean Senator?) to 00:37:45 (“friendship with him?”) : unnecessary Jedi Counsel dialogues with Padmé.
    The Clovis/Padmé past is already implied in other dialogues, there is no use to emphasize that much the situation. Your cut would greatly benefit from removing it. I would even suggest to completely remove the entire scene. All the info contained in this scene is already given in the previous scenes.
  • from 0:39:04 (“are you inviting me for”) to 0:39:16 (“your friendship interests me more than your politics”) : cheesy and useless lines that stress the obvious. We already understand the guy still loves Padmé.
  • from 0:39:24 to 0:39:28 (“I hope it’s gonna be better than old times”) : again, cheesy and useless lines. It’s very embarrassing to see someone so bad at seducing…
  • two unecessary lines : 0:53:29 (“what do you mean ? - She could die !”): you could direclty cut to the following line (“get a hold of yourself, she’s a republic spy”).
  • unecessary lines during Obi-Wan/Satine comlink exchange when she’s on the run, from 0:53:56 (“Mas Amedda wants you to turn yourself in”) to 0:53:59 (“I know”) (how would she know ?)
  • line at 0:55:41 (“she must be saved because I love her”: it’s very cheesy and he already knows that; the previous line “it’s for her life I worry about” is far enough to understand his feelings)
  • around 02:00:00, I would suggest to trim a little bit of the encounter with the queen, in order to at least remove the “nose or ears ?” weird humor.

Plot issues:

  • there might be some kind of a plot issue about Padmé being at the Mandalore Senate session whereas she was just getting the medecine to cure her poisoning a few minutes ago.
    Here is what I suggest: cut the mention of Padmé at 0:58:46 : “which is why you must take the disc [to Padmé]” (maybe replace “to Padmé” with “to the Senate” if possible ?). Then, when the Senate session occurs, directly cut to the complete recording with no mention of Padmé showing this proof
    (one shot of Padmé should also be replaced by one with only Obi-Wan), so cut from 01:00:43 to 01:01:01. That way it’s implied that Obi-Wan is the one showing the complete recording.
    Then, at Palpatine office, cut directly to Satine entering the room (Padmé’s presence is not an issue since she’s now back from her mission with Anakin, she could be here to give
    the intel she got from Clovis, besides the background shows the meeting is occuring the morning after): so cut from 01:02:10 (“thankfully”) to 01:02:24 (“I require no thanks”).
    When Padmé talks to Satine, she basically tells again what Palpatine just told the audience a few seconds ago. That’s way you also get rid of repetitive information. Better for the pace of your edit.

  • About the two Dooku scenes with the Death Watch leader: you should change a few lines on both scenes to make it work better. Here is my suggestion:
    Scene 1:
    “Unacceptable! I will order my men to attack !”
    “And if you do, you’ll hold the planet for perhaps a day. I have other ways to accomplish our goals. I will send you reinforcement.”
    (not sure if “I will send you reinforcement.” Is necessary since we know a few minutes later from the geonosian general that Dooku is expecting droids to invade Mandalore)
    Scene 2:
    “You promised us we would reclaim Mandalore from these weak-willed cowards !”
    Without the backing of my forces or your people, your revolution will be over before it begins. A neophyte such as you wouldn’t know these things, but I do.”
    (and cut back to the geonosian arc before the reused close up of the Death Watch Leader)

Things to reinsert:

  • at 01:11:00 : maybe you should reinsert Anakin’s lines about Obi-Wan, the fact that he worries about him as well.

I just finished binging The Clone Wars TV series, and found your edits. (I got the 1080p’s from info and put them on my Plex but haven’t watched them yet.)

First, what is the difference between the 1080p m4vs versions and the bluray versions available on info? Why is there no bluray for Episode 4?

Second, are you making any more of these? Would you consider making an Ahsoka season 5 or a Fives season 6 movie?

TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.


Since Smudger9 is taking a break away from fanediting after the release of Episode IV, I can answer a few questions:

chyron8472 said:
First, what is the difference between the 1080p m4vs versions and the bluray versions available on info?

The brd version has bonus material (trailer and deleted scenes) and a better compression rate (i.e. video and audio qualities are higher).

Why is there no bluray for Episode 4?

There is but he removed the link because of an audio exporting issue.

Second, are you making any more of these?

He explained it was a 9 movies project.

Would you consider making an Ahsoka season 5 or a Fives season 6 movie?

He already said his Episode VIII is going to deal with the end of the Ahsoka story arc (and, I wish, with the Tarkin arc at the Citadelle - the Separatist prison which will later be used by the Empire as the Death Star facility in Rogue One if I’m not mistaken) and Episode IX is planned to be dealing with Order 66 and Voices. I guess that Episode V is going to be about Darth Maul, Episode VI about the Mandalore events and the Dark Sun, ending with Darth Sidious engaging against Maul and his bro. Don’t know much about Episode VII.

I really hope Smudger9 will find the time to finish his ambitious project (as well as making a 2.0 version to correct a few issues in the first 4 episodes).


Okay, if I might make a suggestion: The episode title font in the crawl is the wrong font. The G looks funky and the Y is too wide, for one thing.

TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.


MalàStrana said:

You may be right but it wasn’t jarring at all so I didn’t notice.

It’s not jarring /to you/.
My first thought when seeing that font was that the same font used to appear in Hal’s “9000 series” prequel edits. (Given the G in “The Approaching Storm” or the Y in “Labyrinth of Evil”) but he has since replaced that font with the correct one in more recent versions.






TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.


You’re right actually, the last front used by Hal is the best (but don’t remind him that Sir Ridley’s front are even better 😄). But if Smudger9 is willing to deliver a v2 of his edits I hope he addresses more important issues than just the front of the opening crawl.


And I’m still looking for the bluray version of Episode I (the dlc file is corrupted - “CW EPI AOTR BluRay.part049” is only 73.5 Mo instead of 97.6 Mo, so it’s impossible to get the bluray version…).


Excellent Work! Is there any chance that you could upload the bluray versions to a google drive if possible? It makes for an easier download. This is by far my favorite fan edited material. Thanks.


MalàStrana said:

We may assume Episode V (& VI-VII-VIII-IX) is off the table now. Very unfortunate, this movie format was a very good idea to extend the “movie saga experience” with TCW material and so far the 4 episodes were a vast improvement over the episodes.

I wouldn’t count him out yet, life catches up with everybody.

That being said. The actual TV series after Episode IV of this movie series is actual really good, after you finish A Galaxy Devided you could just binge the rest of the series and be fine. I hope he continues the movies, but he’s smoothed out the worst parts already.


Shame but sometimes people come back to their projects, we’ll see.

“This cannot be! Is… Is it an omen?”


chyron8472 said:

Second, are you making any more of these? Would you consider making an Ahsoka season 5 or a Fives season 6 movie?

I’ve considered making a movie of the Mortis trilogy

No offense, kid, but I don’t think you know how to boil water.


Some of the links seem dead anywhere I can donwload the EPS that are out or even stream


Meesa Back!

Apologies for the massive break, a combination of things including a massive relocation, a new job, a Final Cut Pro update screwing up my audio channels and just losing the hunger after 4 episodes.

Anyway, the thirst is back and episode V is nearing completion. I’ve just reviewed a second completed cut and it’s looking close. I’ll have a trailer done in the next week.

For those that didn’t manage to download EPIV, I still need to review my edit, having corrected the audio channel issues. I will be releasing that before episode V, so there will be chance to catch up.

Thanks for your patience.

Current Project:- Bad Batch EP3: Shadows of Tantiss


Oh ! Welcome back smudger9 ! Great to see you back, and glad to hear all the good news for you 😉

About EpIV, aside from the audio channel issue there was the repetitive shot to remove, and I’ve also posted a full review of your first 4 edits with slight suggestions that could really improve (if possible to implement) the narrative flow and logic of the plots of your edits.

That’s being said: looking forward to watching EpV 😄

(and if you could think of keeping a logbook of your cut, it would be very handy for making subtitles 😃)

edit: thinking about the slow motion effect you’ve used to smoother scene transition, I believe Sir Ridley on this forum has found a way to make them more fluid (like the ones he did on Hal9000’s TFA:R v2).


Great to have you back, really looking forward to Epsiode V


Welcome back, smudger9!!! Awesome to see you back at it.

For info on my HP edits, read the first post in the thread on OT.


Fantastic news Smudger9, really looking forward to more of these!

Edit: I have some questions for you, if you have the time:

  • A long time ago in this thread (Aug 2015) you suggested that you were going to imply that Sidious kills off Maul after their fight. Presumably, now that Maul returns in rebels, you’re no longer going to do that?
  • If you are indeed going to keep Maul, I wonder if you’ll be able to find a more elegant transition from where we leave him in Clone Wars (“I have other plans for you”) to where we find him in Rebels (oh, dumped on Malachor?) I know in the canon comic he was broken out of prison and went on to do more Mandalorian chaos before ultimately getting beaten back down in an every-active-dark-force-user fight, but I think I’m one of the ten people who actually read that.
  • In your third movie, Children of the Force, you mention in the changelog that an additional space battle is inserted between Holocron Heist and Cargo of Doom. Which episode is the source of the footage?
  • Which episodes do you plan on turning into your Movie 5?
  • Which episodes do you plan on turning into your other movies?
  • Which episodes do you plan to exclude from any of your edits altogether?

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


Since you’re back smudger9, would you have the bluray version of your first edit ? (the one on fanedit.org is corrupted)