Ady- I sincerely offer what might come across as the most backhanded compliment of the night-
Thanks for keeping it subtle. Thanks for keeping it reigned in.
I was a little worried after all of the praise you received for ANH:R that it would all go to your head and you would go all 1990s George Lucas on us and deliver a piece of art mixed with hot garbage. As the years rolled on, and the number of edits grew, so did my concern that you might wreck it.
But I was sincerely wrong- all of your hard work is hidden behind a beautiful Empire Strikes Back which highlights what a great film it is, and you didn’t use it to spotlight yourself at all.
I mean all of that in the most complimentary way possible- despite how it might sound.
You made an incredible thing- and didn’t fall to the Dark Side doing it. A+