Wow. Adywan, what you’ve been able to accomplish here is unprecedented. I’m finding it hard to put into words how spectacular what I just watched was. Just the thought of all of the years of dedication and hard work that you’ve put into this is staggering.
The sheer scope of this project is brilliantly illuminated once the Revisited Credits come up and you see the names of the people in all three units, spread across two continents, who you brought together to realize this vision. It’s incredible.
And after all these long years it’s finally done and proved it was well worth all of the effort. I was elated when I saw the finished replacement hangar matte but after witnessing the revisited battle of Hoth I had to pause the film and collect myself. It’s mind-boggling how much more coherent and visceral the battle is now. You can finally get a real sense of the scope of it. The utter desperation of the Alliance as its overrun by the unrelenting Empire!
Bravo, Adywan. Bravo!