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Post #1092233

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All Things Star Trek
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Date created
23-Jul-2017, 4:33 PM

btw, I noticed a plot hole in an episode of Voyager on tv the other day. It was the one where they find that very small wormwhole. They discover it leads back to the alpha quadrant. They make contact with a Romulan. They come up with a plan to beam everyone through the wormhole. Yoyager would be lost, but the crew would be back home. Only one problem, they find out at the end of the episode that the wormhole not only travels to the Alpha quadrant, but 20 years into the past. So they give up again.

Just one problem: the writers of this episode must have forgotten about TOS Episodes “Tomorrow Is Yesterday” and “Assignment: Earth” Star Trek IV, and Star Trek First Contract". All the crew would have needed to do is beam through the wormhole and find a warp capable ship and slingshot around a sun using the correct calculations and they could travel 20 years into the future.