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Post #1090560

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Doctor Who
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Date created
16-Jul-2017, 6:36 PM

Warbler said:

oojason said:

Warbler said:

oojason said:

Warbler said:

oojason said:

Puggo - Jar Jar’s Yoda said:

You really should see Ryan Johnson’s doctor. I know it’s not “canon”, but the woman who played the doctor was quite good, it wasn’t a joke, and it was 30 years ago. There were 4 episodes, the 4th one being the best.

Ryan has a website that can be found with a modest bit of googling.

I am intrigued - will certainly give it a go.



On a separate note I don’t get all the selective cherry-picking of past episodes to try and discredit the notion that a Gallifreyan can’t change sexes - we’re told, and have been shown, that they can change colour, age, personality, character, memory, and sex - so it’s hardly a big surprise…

Over 20 regenerations of various characters in old and new Who before Missy, not once was there a gender change not once.

and just because it hasn’t been mentioned in the earlier Who content doesn’t mean it’s any less correct.

perhaps, but if Timelords can change gender, the lack of any mention of this(and the lack of it actually happening) for over 50 years, is quite glaring.

The Doctor will be a woman - big deal.

Just like it would be no big dead if Romana or Rani changed into a man. Right.

It wouldn’t be a big deal if Romana (Fred) or Rani regenerated into a man - as previously said. Why would it?

What are you talking about with this (Fred). If Romana ever regenerated into a male and went by the name Fred, I have never heard about it.

Read back through my post on it in here - and you’ll find the answer.

I didn’t see any answer to my question in the above post and I am not about to re-read the entire thread. Perhaps I’ll google it one day.

Now, why would it be a big deal if Romana or Rani regenerated into a man?

because feminists.

For someone who is ‘done with Doctor Who’ you sure are making a lot of posts about it still.

It’s next to the one where you lied about what I said - or rather didn’t say.

oojason said:

Warbler said:

oojason said:

Warbler said:

oojason said:

The Doctor is The Doctor - albeit a Gallifreyan - whether young, old, white, black, male, female - or even ginger.

We have seen / been told that Gallifreyans regenerate into a different sex before too - The Corsair or The Master/Missy for example…

Think we will ever see a male Romana or Rani?

Fred? Yes, why not?


Romanadvoratrelundar seemed to be too long a name when she introduced herself to the Doctor. He had trouble pronouncing the full name, and quickly shortened it to “Romana”, though given the choice of being called “Romana” or “Fred” she told him to call her “Fred”.

So yes, Fred. Why not?