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Post #1087368

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When Did The Star Wars Prequels Become Cool?
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Date created
2-Jul-2017, 9:27 AM

Hardcore Legend said:
AOTC is totally and utterly confusing. George put in plot threads that were never resolved or were leftover from other versions of the script. If George would ever have any humility over the film, I would actually like to see him try a new directors cut of this film that films new scenes, uses alternate takes, updates the CGI and restructures the film in a non-confusing manner. Ask Kathleen Kennedy or any of his other friends for help in fixing this mess.

When I see the stunning result achieved through fanediting, I’m pretty sure that an “official fixing” of this movie could very well be a good entry. But Lucas only made it a little bit worse on bluray… I used to hate the new canon about the clone wars delievered with AOTC (which wasn’t what I was expected at all) but 15 years later I’m at peace with that (and the initial ideas about that can still be used as a “prequel prequel trilogy” 😃). But this is wishful thinking…