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Post #43321

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Changes in 2004 DVDs
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Date created
15-Apr-2004, 4:27 PM
I can understand why people are getting annoyed at you though Jimbo. We all know you like the SE'a but you shouldn't expect everyone else to just because you do. The fact is that GL should release the OT and there is no reason not to. The arguement that the SE's are what he originally wanted Star Wars to be doesn't make sense because he mad so many changes that didn't have anything to do with budget or technology as he claims. These have all been said before but I will note some of them again: The Han verses Greedo scene; Luke's scream; Various line changes; Boba Fett's appearance in ANH; The shuttle scene at Bespin. I'm sure there are many more. And much of the CGI that was added was just eye candy that he wouldn't have put in originally even if he had been able to; For example, the celebration on Coruscant, that wouldn't have made sense in the original version because no one would have known what it was supposed to be. The fact is the GL has changed the movies into what he wants them to be now. He has created a new trilogy, not "improved" the old ones. You think they are better, that's your opinion and you're entitled to it, and you should be able to buy them if you wat. I prefer the OT, that's my opinion and I'm entitled to it, and I should be able to buy it if I want, just like every other fan of the OT. And those who want to buy both versions should be able to do so, if they are willing to hand over the cash. You still seem to be arguing against this and I don't understand why. That's why some people get frustrated with you sometimes.