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Date created
15-Jun-2017, 6:25 PM

Lord Haseo said:

Jeebus said:

Lord Haseo said:
With enough time we can have the technology to bend the laws of reality to our whim. If humanity were more ‘focused’ this would come to fruition in less time. Could be thousands of years, could be millions. That part is pointless to speculate.

That won’t happen, though. It’s a fantasy.

And how many of humanity’s achievements were labeled fantasy that prior to those breakthroughs happening?

Big difference between going to someone in ancient Rome and telling them “in the future; people can listen to music anywhere through these mini music-boxes that go in your ear,” and saying that humans will be able to ‘bend reality’ (which doesn’t even mean anything). And even if it was possible (it isn’t), it would have to happen so far in the future that humanity very likely won’t ever get to that point before going extinct.