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Post #1083459

Dek Rollins
Parent topic
Ranking the Batman films
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Date created
14-Jun-2017, 8:43 AM

Warbler said:

(Replying to this post from the “[fill in the blank] Just Died!” Thread:

Dek Rollins said:

(Don’t even mention Chris Nolan, those films aren’t Batman or even comic book at all.)

They aren’t‽‽‽‽‽

No, they aren’t. I actually like TDK as a movie (Though there are still some problems in there), but it still isn’t a true representation of Batman as far as I’m concerned. And none of Nolan’s films are good comic book movies. Everything about them is realism-driven, which just makes it worse when something unrealistic happens, and even aside from that, I don’t want a comic book movie that tries to distance itself from being a comic book. If you like them, that’s fine. I much prefer the wonderful comic book world of Burton’s films.