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Post #1083327

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4K restoration on Star Wars
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Date created
13-Jun-2017, 2:06 PM

crissrudd4554 said:

Ok here’s how it goes. From the concensus I’ve seen it appears that a good majority of the Star Wars fans who own the current BD sets are fine with them as is. So a simple 4K restoration of the same SE is likely not gonna be enough of a good selling point to sell the same version again. So what do they do?? Restore the original cuts to be included WITH the 4K restored SE.

Seriously guys. Quit being morons. Theoretically speaking what sounds like it’ll profit more even if by a fraction?? A 4K release with only the SE or a 4K release with both cuts?? One cut caters to only a specific market while more than one cut caters to multiple markets.

Case and point. How many people do you actually suspect petitioned to have all those cuts of Blade Runner released together?? Compared to Star Wars probably little to nothing. Did it stop Ridley Scott from remastering those cuts and releasing them together?? Nope. Another example is how a few years ago Kino released a cut of the silent film Metropolis with restored footage not seen since the original release. Compared to Star Wars who do you think really gave a crap about that?? Nonetheless did it prevent them from restoring and releasing it?? Don’t think so.

I’m honestly puzzled why some of you even ask why Disney would spend the money to restore the originals while at the same time neglecting to realize that a restored OUT is likely gonna be packaged as an extra to the SE anyways. However as long as the originals are presented in proper quality I’m sure the majority of us would be fine with it.

Until Lucasfilm/Disney gives a direct response on the matter the speculation resumes as far as where I stand. And no the Kathleen Kennedy interview does not count.

Are YOU serious? Most Star Wars fans have bought pretty every release of Star Wars since the first home video version was released in the early 1980s. All they needed to do, was claim it’s been remastered, or add a few extras. So, given that reality, what makes you believe this trend will suddenly stop with a 4K release? If they release a 4K version with a few new extras, the damn thing will sell like crazy, like all Star Wars releases have, with or without the OOT.