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Post #1082288

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4K restoration on Star Wars
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Date created
9-Jun-2017, 12:37 AM

TV’s Frink said:

Alderaan said:

Fang Zei said:

Mocata said:

If they are not doing anything right now, I don’t see how 2020 is a realistic date.

It’s simple, they don’t want to do anything other than reissuing the 2011 discs until the rights are back in their hands (with the previously noted exception of ANH, which will never be back in their hands anyway).

This is all nonsense. Releasing a new set has nothing to do with distribution rights. If that were the case, Disney would pull all copies off the shelves and just wait until 2020 to sell anything. They wouldn’t be selling the Blurays AT ALL.

Just like what happened with VHS, DVD, and Bluray, they will wait until the next technology becomes widely adopted by consumers, and then they will issue a new set with an updated master. For obvious reasons, that will most likely be after the ST is completed, so they can issue a 4k set of all the movies.

When they do issue the 4K set…3 years from now, 5 years from now, etc…it will be the SE version if it is left up to Kennedy and LFL, which it likely will be. The only way to get an official OOT release is for their bosses at Disney to order them to make it happen. The only way their bosses at Disney would ever do that is if you, the fans, call it to their attention and force them to do so. Most likely with your wallet.

Ah, so I see you’ve given up your “it will never ever ever ever ever happen no matter what ever” stance despite no new news. Interesting.

I’ve been very consistent on this topic. In the absence of the fans convincing Kennedy’s bosses to order her to release the OOT or ask for her resignation, there is zero chance you will get anything other than the SE from Disney. No OOT. Not going to happen. Ever.

If you want an official release, stop giving them your money.