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Post #1079232

Parent topic
Our open letter to Disney and Lucasfilm
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Date created
27-May-2017, 1:48 AM

Jay said:

Thanks for all the effort you and others put into this, SilverWook.

digitalfreaknyc said:

Quite the embarrassment.

Why are you always such a dick? I’m tempted to switch the forum back to the original October 2015 layout just so you’ll rage-quit the site again.

Yay name calling. No wonder you like it. It proves what a bunch of whiney children are on this site.

You can bitch and moan about it being taken down but there’s no reason to keep it up. We look like assholes because of it and one person shouldn’t have been allowed to speak for the whole site without getting some sort of approval.

That was just one big pissy unreadable wall of text.