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Info Wanted: Nubie color correction questions?


Long time fan, first time poster.
I’m trying to learn the basics of simple color correction, like removing the gold tint on Raider of the lost Ark.
What software to use, what PC hardware is required and how difficult and time consuming?

Any advice greatly appreciated
Thank you


If you are just learning, then get a decent GPU (Radeon RX480 or Nvidia GTX1060 as a base level) and download Davinci Resolve Free edition.
V14 is still in beta and buggy, 12.5 is stable and very good , but 14 is a lot faster.

Then go get some introductory tutorials, and then buy The Color Correction Handbook (https://www.amazon.com/Color-Correction-Handbook-Professional-Techniques/dp/0321929667/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1495443334)

Colour correction really requires a lot of different skills, studying colour science would be a good idea, and to do it properly, you will require a separate broadcast monitor, output card and calibration probe.
But to get into it, a Mac or PC, a decent GPU and the free version Davinci Resolve (that used to cost Ninety THousand Dollars!) will let you use the same tools as the professionals and see if it is something you want to get into.

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Help get The Original Trilogy preserved!


I’ll be following this thread, as I’m working on a fan edit of Terminator 2 and am trying to remove as much of that steel blue color timing as possible.


I resolve you can use the colour wheels to adjust the colour tint in the shadows, mids and highs. It is pretty easy, but a lot easier to have precise control if you use a control surface, or a Wacom tablet instead of a mouse.
I’d recommend downloading the software and seeing if your computer can run it. The software has a free version that will do more than you are likely to need.
The Studio version is $299, the base version is $0.

Scroll to the end for the download options.

Donations welcome: paypal.me/poit
Help get The Original Trilogy preserved!