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Post #1075954

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Rogue One: The Battle of Scarif fan edit (Released)
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Date created
13-May-2017, 11:27 AM

I think Vladius’ post above has pretty well summed up my feelings on the Edit too.

Whilst admiring the time, effort and commitment gone into the project - with some quality technical work too - I felt that the characterisations and backstory of the main cast withdrew from enjoying the Edit or feeling for their sacrifice for the cause. I actually think Cassian’s speech on Yavin IV may have been better left in - as it gives back the ‘grey’ of the Rebellion, that these people had led their lives for the Rebellion (or against the Empire), had committed the type of crimes that made them lose their humanity - but did so for a greater good etc; it gave us the viewer something to get behind emotionally and root for (in addition of the good guy vs bad guy aspect).

Though, I too liked the subtle changes to Jyn’s lines - making her more of the leader of the group.

And the Crawl was great too - very professional, like most of the Edit itself 😃

Great work.