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Post #1075446

Fang Zei
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4K restoration on Star Wars
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Date created
11-May-2017, 2:19 PM

Goatboy said:

Fang Zei said:

Goatboy said:

towne32 said:

Right. We are not giving them directions or writing a contract. We are hoping to raise awareness and increase discussion, and despite low chances of success, hoping that we might get some kind of information. A comment that is less worthless/ambiguous than the recent Kennedy interview.

If, someday, they release a 2k OOT (first of all, I would still be thrilled), it won’t be because, "hah! You ****ers should’ve specified 4K! Gotcha!"
I know people still feel burned about GOUT, but that didn’t happen due to a misunderstanding.

I don’t think Lucasfilm will release the theatrical releases on Blue-ray, at least as long as Kennedy is president. Because of her relationship to George Lucas and him appointing her president, she doesn’t want to touch what she sees as “his movies”.

And if it does ever happen, it wont be until 2020, when Disney gets the distribution rights to Episodes 5 & 6.

Getting Star Wars fans talking about it can’t hurt though.

She wouldn’t be doing anything to his movies, though. She would simply be including the original versions alongside his versions. EDIT: crissrudd beat me to it.

Welcome to the forums, btw!

Thanks for the welcome 😃

Lucas has said that, to him, the original releases don’t exist anymore, the current versions are THE movies and he talked how he wants that to be the only version that people see and how eventually all the VHS tapes of the old version will burn out and be thrown away. He underestimates the power of the internet and passionate fans.

So it seems to me like Lucas doesn’t want people watching the theatrical releases, and Kennedy is going to honor his wish.

But Kennedy is 63 years old, and will retire or change jobs within the next decade or two, so the new blood that steps in could have a different stance.

Lucas himself had softened on the issue by the time he sold his company.

Those earlier quotes about the millions of vhs tapes became irrelevant in 2006 when he decided to release the unaltered versions on dvd. Yeah, they were from outdated 1993 transfers, but the dvd discs themselves will last a long time.

George’s comments have been remarkably inconsistent over the years. In 2005 he said there would never be an Episode VII! By the time of the blu-ray release in 2011, he wasn’t even using his “vision” for the films as an excuse to withhold the unaltered versions. He simply said that it would “cost too much.” What he probably would have said under the influence of truth serum is “I’m keeping it in my backpocket for a rainy day since I know many of you fans will go out and buy it all over again.”

Then he sold the company to Disney.

It’s not his money being spent anymore. I doubt he cares one way or the other if the unaltered versions are restored/released, just so long as his versions are still packaged as “the main version.”