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Post #32223

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Oscars 2004
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Date created
5-Feb-2004, 7:34 AM

Originally posted by: Rebel Scumb
I would rather the academy just recognized certain films base on their own merits, rather then having to have it all come down to one movie over another. That way if there are three masterpieces in one year, they can all be recognized.

But how do you go in and qualify which ones deserve this recognition. It still winds up coming down to "this film versus that" just with more winners. And probably more frazzled losers if you give them 3+ chances and they don't get in at all. Stick with one. I can't say I don't dislike how the Golden Globes approaches it by having two different film categories. But that gets sticky as well because I would not categorize LIT as a comedy/musical like they did. Hell, I still don't agree with Blockbuster Video's classification of Dr. Strangelove as a comedy.