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General Star Wars Random Thoughts Thread — Page 332


Tobar said:

Lord Haseo said:

Tobar said:

You could make arguments for her understanding droid not merely being a plot convenience but her understanding Wookiee certainly is.

She’s on a hot desert planet in the middle of nowhere. I doubt there’s a colony of Wookiees somewhere off screen on Jakku. There’s no reason whatsoever for her to have learned that.

I don’t really need to see Rey interacting with Wookies or even see one in the film to buy her being able to speak their language just like I don’t need to see Luke flying to buy him being able to fly in the Battle of Yavin. Just because STAR WARS has more lines in regards to Luke flying doesn’t dismiss the one line mentioned about Rey being able to understand that ‘thing’ in The Force Awakens.

In every iteration of the Star Wars galaxy that there’s been, Wookiees are a rare sight.

You can’t phrase it that way and ignore the PT at the same time.


The Democrats should just nominate Rey to run against Trump in the next election.


Rey understanding chewie is just another piece of the puzzle I was talking about. My guess is she learned it before she was left on Jakku (just like I’m betting she learned a LOT of what makes her “Mary sue-ish” before being abandoned on Jakku)


at the risk of continuing this discussion, I can see the points of the mary sue argument. The only one that really bothers me is her knowing the falcon better than Han. That was ludicrous. But I can kinda let it go and assume she had just tinkered with it in its slightly modified form whereas han hadn’t had it since the guy on jakku messed with it.

I’m tempted to be bothered by her defeated kylo ren, but then I remember chewie had just shot him with his crossbow, which has been demonstrated to be very powerful and destructive. He’s even bleeding still when the fight starts, so I can get past it.


Goddammit you guys suck. This is what I get for trying to be polite.


Possessed said:

at the risk of continuing this discussion, I can see the points of the mary sue argument. The only one that really bothers me is her knowing the falcon better than Han. That was ludicrous. But I can kinda let it go and assume she had just tinkered with it in its slightly modified form whereas han hadn’t had it since the guy on jakku messed with it.

I’ve been telling myself not to chime in here if I’m not going to say anything I haven’t said a million times already, but I guess this needs to be reiterated. Yes, she is familiar with its modified form in ways Han is not. This is made explicit in the film. She knows the history of who had the Falcon and what they did with it. The compressor that she bypassed was not something that was on the Falcon when it was in Han’s possession. So I don’t think we have to worry about Han not knowing about the Falcon enough (although let’s not forget the scene in ESB when 3PO tells him about the power coupling, which obviously he had been talking to the ship’s computer but Han’s reaction says it all - this guy’s knowledge of the Falcon is not infallible).

As to Wookiees being super rare, I had no idea that was the case. I can only go off what I’ve seen and in the PT it definitely didn’t seem that way. Maybe that’s an EU thing but I’m pretty sure they jettisoned the EU.


Random thought (I shouldn’t have to preface posts in this thread, but alas this is where we are): why do Jawa’s eyes glow? Do they have some sort of cybernetics?

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.


And for fucks sake guys, Frink posted the link to the appropriate thread. Posting in it instead of here requires literally no extra effort.

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.


CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

Random thought (I shouldn’t have to preface posts in this thread, but alas this is where we are): why do Jawa’s eyes glow? Do they have some sort of cybernetics?

No one knows. What Jawas look like under their robes is (mercifully) one of those few things the EU left untouched and which has remained a mystery.


I’m sure Disney will make a Jawa movie, and you’ll get to find out every last detail.


Alderaan said:

The Democrats should just nominate Rey to run against Trump in the next election.

Does this look like the politics thread to you?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand just like that the argument is dead. It was fun while it lasted.


Why the shit does Luke have a grappling hook?


It’s part of his borrowed stormtrooper utility belt.


Jonno said:

It’s part of his borrowed stormtrooper utility belt.

I thought they ditched the armor after the scene in the trash compactor. I’m taking a day off and I’m going to be watching Rogue One and STAR WARS today so I’ll see what’s good with that.


Lord Haseo said:

Why the shit does Luke have a grappling hook?

See, now that is a discussion this thread is equipped to grapple with.


I guess you’ll see for yourself, but after they lose the armour, Luke keeps the belt over his desert gear. Presumably for the sole reason that he’d have a grappling hook to swing later, but you can justify it as the farmboy finding all the gadgets pretty neat. That said, Han keeps his too:

 photo han luke.jpg

Though it seems only Luke’s stormtrooper belt had the hook in the first place. Here’s the same guy before getting jumped:

 photo stormtrooper.jpg


In the radio drama they make a point of highlighting that they kept the utility belts, because Han thought it might have some useful doodads.