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Star Wars Insider celebrates the 40th anniversary with... — Page 4


Fang Zei said:

nickyd47 said:

There’s also a magazine coming out thats labeled itself as the “guide to the 1977 classic”

Now they’re really rubbing it in.

I might be curious enough to pick this up, even though it’ll probably hurt my eyes…


Amazon link


Released 25th of July. To accompany a theatrical re-release ?..


After arriving at work totally knackered each morning after live streaming Celebration Orlando here in the UK, a guy at work asked me if I had Star Wars on Blu-ray. When I said no and explained why he was really confused. Looked at me in bewilderment. He had no idea at all about the original cuts and to be honest did not care at all. This same guy was confused as to where Rey and Finn were in Rogue One.
There lies our problem I think. The casual viewer. The public who see the films as just another movie to watch and then put to one side.


Wolfman said:

After arriving at work totally knackered each morning after live streaming Celebration Orlando here in the UK, a guy at work asked me if I had Star Wars on Blu-ray. When I said no and explained why he was really confused. Looked at me in bewilderment. He had no idea at all about the original cuts and to be honest did not care at all. This same guy was confused as to where Rey and Finn were in Rogue One.
There lies our problem I think. The casual viewer. The public who see the films as just another movie to watch and then put to one side.

People like him don’t dictate Star Wars at all


Yeah, I acknowledge that movie fans who don’t feel particularly strong about the differences either way (if they even know about them at all) far outnumber the fans who do.


Z6PO said:

Released 25th of July. To accompany a theatrical re-release ?..

That’s what my hypothesis was in this thread. Or was it another? I can’t remember.

It ties in with the July 28th “random” Disney movie that still has no name, trailer, etc.


digitalfreaknyc said:

Z6PO said:

Released 25th of July. To accompany a theatrical re-release ?..

That’s what my hypothesis was in this thread. Or was it another? I can’t remember.

It ties in with the July 28th “random” Disney movie that still has no name, trailer, etc.

The July 28th movie is almost certainly not Star Wars related. It simply said “untitled fairy tale.” Fox owns the distribution rights on ANH in perpetuity. It’s highly doubtful that Disney would have a movie they’re not even releasing listed on their slate.


Fang Zei said:

digitalfreaknyc said:

Z6PO said:

Released 25th of July. To accompany a theatrical re-release ?..

That’s what my hypothesis was in this thread. Or was it another? I can’t remember.

It ties in with the July 28th “random” Disney movie that still has no name, trailer, etc.

The July 28th movie is almost certainly not Star Wars related. It simply said “untitled fairy tale.” Fox owns the distribution rights on ANH in perpetuity. It’s highly doubtful that Disney would have a movie they’re not even releasing listed on their slate.

Maybe something has happened behind the scenes that we don’t know about? Anything is possible. It might not be JUST ANH. If it’s all 3 originals, Disney would have to work something out with Fox.


If there would be an all-new Disney movie in July this year, marketing would’ve already started. I mean, it’s just 3 months away from now.


digitalfreaknyc said:

It ties in with the July 28th “random” Disney movie that still has no name, trailer, etc.

What’s your source? I keep seeing stuff like this:


Even though it’s listed as July 28, the description is clearly talking about The Last Jedi and was written prior to the title being revealed:

Untitled Disney Fairy Tale Dec. 2017 (Live Action…


Lol, what’s their source then? There’s no way they’re releasing a secret movie with no marketing three months out.


TV’s Frink said:

Lol, what’s their source then? There’s no way they’re releasing a secret movie with no marketing three months out.

Or it’s some low-budget project they don’t feel the need to start advertising just yet. Or it’s been pushed back since Iger made that presentation.

They don’t get the distribution rights to Empire and Jedi back until 2020, so the “maybe it’s not just ANH” theory doesn’t hold up either.


Fang Zei said:

TV’s Frink said:

Lol, what’s their source then? There’s no way they’re releasing a secret movie with no marketing three months out.

Or it’s some low-budget project they don’t feel the need to start advertising just yet.

If it was that I don’t know why it would be included in that graphic.


TV’s Frink said:

Fang Zei said:

TV’s Frink said:

Lol, what’s their source then? There’s no way they’re releasing a secret movie with no marketing three months out.

Or it’s some low-budget project they don’t feel the need to start advertising just yet.

If it was that I don’t know why it would be included in that graphic.

Because it’s Strange Magic 2: The Forgotten Franchise.


Was the first one subtitled Strange Magic: The Forgotten Movie? 'Cause I’ve never heard of it.


Darth Id said:

TV’s Frink said:

Fang Zei said:

TV’s Frink said:

Lol, what’s their source then? There’s no way they’re releasing a secret movie with no marketing three months out.

Or it’s some low-budget project they don’t feel the need to start advertising just yet.

If it was that I don’t know why it would be included in that graphic.

Because it’s Strange Magic 2: The Forgotten Franchise.

hah! probably.


TV’s Frink said:

Was the first one subtitled Strange Magic: The Forgotten Movie? 'Cause I’ve never heard of it.

C’mon Fink, if you’re gonna try to piggyback on my jokes, at least try to match my alliteration. Would have been so easy by using ‘Film’ instead of ‘Movie’.

Train harder before you approach this dojo, TV-san.


Darth Id said:

Would have been so easy by using ‘Film’ instead of ‘Movie’.

Yeah but then I sound like a Strange Magic snob.


TV’s Frink said:

Lol, what’s their source then? There’s no way they’re releasing a secret movie with no marketing three months out.

You don’t have to market A New Hope. Tell people it’s in theaters and they will run to see it


nickyd47 said:

TV’s Frink said:

Lol, what’s their source then? There’s no way they’re releasing a secret movie with no marketing three months out.

You don’t have to market A New Hope. Tell people it’s in theaters and they will run to see it



TV’s Frink said:

Was the first one subtitled Strange Magic: The Forgotten Movie? 'Cause I’ve never heard of it.

More like The last Lucas helmed production we’re dumping in the middle of January, with zero promotion, and wont even release on Blu Ray. 😉
The usual suspects who rail against any and all perceived attacks on Lucas apparently never heard of it either.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

TV’s Frink said:

Was the first one subtitled Strange Magic: The Forgotten Movie? 'Cause I’ve never heard of it.

More like The last Lucas helmed production we’re dumping in the middle of January, with zero promotion, and wont even release on Blu Ray. 😉
The usual suspects who rail against any and all perceived attacks on Lucas apparently never heard of it either.

Oh ok, now I remember that. Didn’t realize it was that movie.

Sorry, that film.


All he did was write the film Strange Magic, right? Didn’t direct it?


TV’s Frink said:

Oh ok, now I remember that. Didn’t realize it was that movie.

Wait…you was serious about dat??
