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Post #1067135

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Ranking the Star Wars Soundtracks
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Date created
17-Apr-2017, 5:40 PM

yhwx said:

  1. The Empire Strickes Back
  2. Return of the Jedi
  3. The Force Awakens
  4. The Phantom Menace
  5. Star Wars
  6. Attack of the Clones
  7. Revenge of the Sith

† I do really like this score, but due to how lists work, it has been relegated to a lower place than I might have wanted it to. (And no, I do not accept ties.)

Updated ranking, which I am pretty satisfied with:

  1. The Empire Strikes Back
    A really good soundtrack.

  2. Star Wars
    I think I pretty severely underrated this soundtrack in my original ranking. After listening through it again, I really liked it.

  3. Return of the Jedi
    Pretty good. Side note: It’s pretty much impossible to find a good version of this soundtrack that either doesn’t sound like crap or has been watered down to oblivion.

  4. The Force Awakens
    Thumbs up.

  5. Rogue One
    I think most people underrate this soundtrack, but I loved how it sounded and worked in the movie. I also liked how it tied in with the A New Hope soundtrack.

  6. The Phantom Menace
    Thumbs up. I especially like ‘Anikan’s Theme’.

  7. Attack of the Clones
    Pretty unremarkable as far as Star Wars soundtracks go.

  8. Revenge of the Sith
    Pretty much the same as Attack of the Clones.