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Post #1066538

Lord Haseo
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Celebration 2017 Speculation
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Date created
16-Apr-2017, 1:15 AM

Alderaan said:

Lord Haseo said:

generalfrevious said:

DrDre said:

Fang Zei said:

To add to what crissrudd is saying, I feel like waiting another three years has other advantages for Lucasfilm aside from just the rights issue.

Some people are only just now getting around to buying the 2011 set. I honestly feel like we weren’t going to see a major reissue with actual new content until the time came to put the movies out on the next format. We’re only a year into 4k discs being a thing, and Star Wars has taken a long while to hit each new format.

To me, this is yet another sign pointing to 2020.

Mmm, this sounds awfully familiar. Before celebration the 40th anniversary was the most logical time for a release. Now that it doesn’t seem to pan out, things are pointing to 2020.

I don’t want to pessimistic, but from what we know from Mike Verta’s interactions with Disney, info from Disney’s restoration people, and Pablo Hidalgo, releasing the OOT is not a priority. So, there certainly seem to be no plans for a release in 2020, or otherwise. It appears to simply not be on the agenda, at all.

Hopefully, Mike Verta’s pitch has happened, and has set things in motion. However, I very much doubt Disney and Lucasfilm will have their own plans. There’s a new 4K restoration for ANH for sure, conformed to the SE. So, a new 4K mastered SE release may be pending, with some additional material, such as the Tarkin footage shown at celebration, but an OOT release seems unlikely, unless Mike Verta can convince them of the merits of his restoration.

I have not seen the original versions in almost seven years. There is no way in hell I am waiting another three years AT LEAST to see them again. I would take back everything bad I have said about TFA and RO if Disney releases the originals this year. Otherwise I can’t tolerate this carrot and stick approach any longer.

I’m not going to lie…like a year ago this post would have gotten me mad but now I revel in the fact that someone…anyone who hates the new K-Canon films admits that they have an irrational hatred of them that their opinion is not based on the quality of the movies themselves. Yeah, knowing this is a fact prematurely is nice but confirmation is better. Thank you.

Dislike of **** movies and hatred for them are different things.

You’re right actually. If you dislike TFA and Rogue One because of reasons XYZ that’s fine but there are people who hate those films because because of reasons that have nothing to do with the quality of the films themselves. It stands the reason that someone who is grown should be able to not let outside shit influence their opinions but I just don’t know anymore.


There’s also nothing wrong with hating certain movies too but irrational hatred is bad.