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Post #1066399

Jetrell Fo
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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
15-Apr-2017, 6:25 PM

oojason said:

Jetrell Fo said:

Napolitano wrote on March 16: “Sources have told me that the British foreign surveillance service, the Government Communications Headquarters, known as GCHQ, most likely provided Obama with transcripts of Trump’s calls.”

Notice he uses the words “most likely”. That is not him saying “it was absolutely” what happened. If anyone here thinks for one second that there is absolutely NO possibility beyond a doubt, that this couldn’t happen between close allies, you’d be kidding yourself. I never said it happened this way either but I do believe that the possibility that it did is far more likely.

There is no way allies would tell the world they committed a “treaty violation” to help out another nation. They would not want anyone to be considering such a thing that is why they wouldn’t want someone saying it publicly … it would put them in a spot they were trying to stay out of by being quite about it.

“Jetrell Fo said:
Why did they deny it vehemently when the story first broke but now they own up to it?”

Then there is nothing to own up to then at all, no? Despite your words clearly claiming ‘but now they have own up to it’)…

Well mate … there’s these … what do you make of them?

