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Post #1066369

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Celebration 2017 Speculation
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Date created
15-Apr-2017, 4:41 PM

Cthulhunicron said:

DrDre said:

Hopefully, Mike Verta’s pitch has happened, and has set things in motion. However, I very much doubt Disney and Lucasfilm will have their own plans. There’s a new 4K restoration for ANH for sure, conformed to the SE. So, a new 4K mastered SE release may be pending, with some additional material, such as the Tarkin footage shown at celebration, but an OOT release seems unlikely, unless Mike Verta can convince them of the merits of his restoration.

This may have been asked a lot already, but what exactly does it mean for the negatives to be conformed to the SE? We know that the original negatives have not been destroyed, like many have speculated, so how could they be conformed to the SE?

Quite simply, while the bits spliced out were not destroyed, they were still spliced out, so the negative is still of the SE.

Alternatively, they could’ve added SE material either during or after the scanning process.