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Post #1066064

Lord Haseo
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Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD *
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Date created
14-Apr-2017, 5:32 PM

flametitan said:

Lord Haseo said:

Yes, if the current ways of handling these issues or even keeping your power are shown to be ineffectual. Also like I said all that matters is the intention of the individual as guns can be looked in the same light. They cause death no matter who’s using them but the reasons for the death and the results of said person dying completely change the nature of that action. You can use a gun to massacre a bunch of people or you can use it to save the life of an innocent. Your choice.

I’m not interested in discussing real politics, so I’m leaving guns out. However, there’s a fundamental difference between a gun and the Force: the Force has a goddamn will of its own.

Other than the myriad of plot contrivances in Star Wars films the will of the Force doesn’t have any bearing on how one uses it.

Trying to control the Dark Side is like trying to control the One Ring. Lots of people thought they could, but the only one who wasn’t tempted was the man who didn’t want its power in the first place, and so didn’t use it.

Would it be safer not to dabble in Dark Side teachings and training? Sure, but the advantages one could be blessed with if they find balance is inconceivable. That alone should warrant someone like Luke to at least try. There are so many things that have been invented and events that have transpired because someone took a risk and didn’t give in to fear and apathy.

It would seem to me that encouraging the use of the Dark side would encourage those who can’t control themselves to fall, thus creating a neverending cycle of war and violence that would be defining to the galaxy.

It can go both ways as someone who is fully committed to the Light could see anyone who even thinks using Dark Side elements in your fights or philosophy as dangerous. Also war is always going to be abundant and this wouldn’t fix that but it would make it so that this New Order didn’t have a philosophy that is full of holes and is based on wishful thinking and suppressing natural emotions. Also it could give this Order a more varied arsenal to combat would be conquerers who are fully committed to the Dark Side.

The Light Side isn’t about repressing emotions. Seriously, if I had to pin down the worst thing about the Prequels, it wouldn’t be the dialogue, or the idiot balls tossed around, or Jar-Jar. It would be how poorly it represented what it was trying to convey.

Perhaps worshiping Ashla alone doesn’t mean to abandon all emotions but the first line of the Jedi Code says this and it’s canon. This would be a good way to retcon that shit.

The Jedi Order of the Clone Wars was a corrupt, dogmatic order of zealots so afraid of the Dark Side that couldn’t even embrace the compassion the Light tried to offer them. You don’t need to repress your emotions to avoid going down the Dark Path. You just needed to trust the Force.

The Dark Side was about manipulating the Force to control fate, the Light was about letting the Force guide their destiny. If they needed to intervene and use the force themselves, then it would be to serve as the white blood cells of the Galaxy, fighting the infection of strife and darkness.

Either way you look at it when the Jedi intervene they are using The Force to reach a conclusion through Forceful means which means they controlling fate.

To me it would seem better to teach apprentices outlets for fear and anger that would avoid tapping into the dark side, to trust that the will of the Force is what’s best, rather than to try to control that which can easily corrupt those who try.

I’m not exactly one for half measures and surely relying ob such a thing would only give the Force Wielder a hallow shell of the power (and understanding) they would receive if they fully embraced that tenant or power that is associated with the Dark Side.

The force isn’t a tool. Not using the Dark Side isn’t saying “I won’t use Force Lightning,” it’s saying “I won’t let my anger and fear control my life for me.”

You don’t need to have people use their base emotional states (anger in this case) to not fall to the Dark Side. All that Luke needs to teach people is some self control, the possible fates for those who veer too much to either side and above all that one can’t become a whole person or even a person who is truly knowledgeable unless they truly embrace being open minded and adapting when need be. Of course this would be in addition to a great deal of standard Jedi teachings.

Nevermind what Yoda said in Empire:

“Is the dark side stronger?”
“No, no, no. Quicker, easier, more seductive.” You are not limiting yourself by not using the Dark Side.

The quicker and easier aspects of The Dark Side would be quite advantageous for Luke to adopt into his new philosophy. Sure, it’s not inherently stronger but using it to gain power quicker is a definite advantage for those who are still training or trying to progress themselves extensively.