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Post #1065907

Fang Zei
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Celebration 2017 Speculation
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Date created
14-Apr-2017, 9:25 AM

Alderaan said:

imperialscum said:

As I have already said, the simple thing is that OOT release is just not profitable enough for them to care. While it might bring millions, that is still a change compared to billions they are making with other stuff.

This isn’t the reason at all.

George Lucas is … still … the reason why we don’t have an official OOT. Disney could give it to us any time they want, but they have obviously told us all to **** off and keep paying for their shit movies.

I do think it’s partially because they want to keep the attention focused solely on the new movies. Sure, they could give us what we want right now, but it would distract from the new stuff they’re selling. If it doesn’t happen in the next eight months during this long gap between the RO blu and the theatrical release of TLJ, I don’t see it happening next year either because of the Han Solo movie that’s coming out in May. Then IX comes out in May of 2019 (yes, that’s still the release date, not December, and the rumor that they’re going to start shooting this summer would seem to mean they’re serious).

Way too many signs point to 2020 for me to think otherwise. I even heard the other day there are plans for a hiatus from making new movies. What’s going to be frustrating is if there’s still another movie coming out after IX and they choose to wait longer than they need to (May of 2020) to release the OOT, simply out of not wanting to distract from whatever that new movie is.