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Post #1065588

Fang Zei
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Celebration 2017 Speculation
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Date created
13-Apr-2017, 2:14 PM

Anyway, I missed the first hour or so of the livestream for reasons I won’t bother going into here, tuned in just after noon and saw Harrison and George talking their different versions of how it happened. Ford’s “fly? yes. land? …” got a laugh out of me.

The stream was constantly buffering for me as well, but I did catch that amazing video they put together for Carrie and it definitely got the emotions going. Cut to: surprise, John Williams! Of course someone holding up their phone to take a pic was directly between Johnny and the camera. “Put your fucking phone down!” I yelled at, ironically, my own phone. So 2017.

Hearing Leia’s theme conducted by the master himself absolutely destroyed me. The orchestra really “brought it” as well. Do we know who they are?

An OOT announcement was never going to happen at this panel. This was always going to be about Carrie, and it’s only fitting. I don’t think, however, that there’s zero chance of it happening later on during the convention.

But then again I’ve already resigned myself to the likelihood that we won’t hear anything until 2020 at the earliest. If we get an announcement before then it will be a nice surprise. If that happens to be in the next month or so, great! But we really shouldn’t frame this convention as the “now or never” venue for an OOT announcement.