I don’t want to dislike this movie, but I just can’t get past its complete lack of originality and boring main characters - not in the way that I don’t like them as people, they’re just not very engaging.
I’ve seen TFA four times now, and it bores me more and more from the middle act and out every time I watch it.
I do hope that THE LAST JEDI tries something new - like, uhm, NEW FUCKING IDEAS, and some new technology and unfamiliar planet designs, and I might actually feel good about the future of this franchise.
I do hate to be one of those unsatisfied Star Wars fans, but when I get a film that gives me nothing new, retreads the same plot as the OT, and I don’t even wheep at Han Solo’s climatic death, the movie did something terribly wrong. And for that, it’s an unforgiven installment, and a rip-off.