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What 'a Star Wars Story' / anthology / spinoff film would you like to see? — Page 6


Lord Haseo said:

I’m surprised the new Canon hasn’t even touched The Old Republic Era. If it were up to me I would just reincorporate the Jedi and Sith origins from the EU

This is half right. The new movies should have all taken place in the Old Republic era. They could have told the EU to **** off–or not–but they could have still created fresh, original Star Wars films, and still had them be Star Wars. Not all this junk rehash stuff.


Bingowings said:

The Jedi Must Die
The story is, in essence, a conflation of Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None (aka, Ten Little Indians) and Richard Connell’s The Most Dangerous Game, with elements of the Star Wars mythos stirred in for good measure.

It revolves around the search for a Jedi on a far off planet by a group of serious minded people out to find it. The viewer is invited to unfold the mystery along with the characters. Near the ending, there an inserted 30-second break called “The Jedi Break”, where the audience is asked to guess the Jedi’s identity, based on clues from the movie.

The Beast Must Die, starring Peter Cushing! Good one, Bingo. It was your reference to “The Jedi Break” that had me catch on. I remember in college we’d see that at the video store and my roommate wanted to rent it so badly. “But, it has a Werewolf Break! It has to be good!”

Pink Floyd -- First in Space


Would not mind a live action Clone Wars movie although giving the dislike people have for the PT it probably not gonna happen.

Another Ewok movie would not hurt. But much like a live action clone wars movie it is probably not gonna happen.


HP. Lovecraft said:

Would not mind a live action Clone Wars movie although giving the dislike people have for the PT it probably not gonna happen.

I’d love to see something set in the PT era that’s actually good. Not sure about the Clone Wars specifically because the clones were never terribly compelling for me, but I’d definitely be in for something in that timeframe with practical sets and a good script.


Something with a musical number like this one, where Leia cavorts around in her metal bikini while Bib Fortuna extols her many attributes and skills.


Rogue two: “many Bothans died to bring us this information”


joefavs said:

HP. Lovecraft said:

Would not mind a live action Clone Wars movie although giving the dislike people have for the PT it probably not gonna happen.

I’d love to see something set in the PT era that’s actually good. Not sure about the Clone Wars specifically because the clones were never terribly compelling for me, but I’d definitely be in for something in that timeframe with practical sets and a good script.

A Qui-Gon Obi Wan spinoff could also make a decent flick.


Where it is revealed the holiday special and the prequels are just a nightmare of a child named Chewbacca


I want to see a spin-off movie about something never explored in Star Wars before. No old planets, no old characters.

Just new stuff.



CartoonWarp said:

I want to see a spin-off movie about something never explored in Star Wars before. No old planets, no old characters.

Just new stuff.

Disney is going to sell you rehash after rehash after spinoff. If you’re expecting anything else you are going to be disappointed.


Maybe I’m naive, but I have a sliver of hope. I don’t think it’ll come in this first wave of spin-offs. But I think it could come someday.



I know there will be plenty here who disagree, but I totally want to see a movie about Darth Vader hunting down the last few stray Jedi he can find. The more times I watch Rogue One, the more I love how they handled Darth. Despite the internet complaints I think the suit looks great more times than not (there’s maybe two shots where it looks a little off but that’s really it) and they NAILED his character. His snarky lines towards Krennic were totally the kind of thing he said to imperial officers in the OT.

I don’t know exactly what kind of genre you might try to mimic with a film like that, but maybe a vengeful Samurai drama? Something similar in tone to Harakiri, or better yet, Sword of Doom. Something where the protagonist (Vader) has already or is in the process of descending into madness as he seeks his revenge on those who “wronged” him. This would lead to a series of epic duels as the film goes on. The first two or three being one on one and the finale being a gripping battle where Vader is outnumbered maybe three or four to one and he only barely prevails.

It could be set a little before Rogue One and perhaps even reference Jedda and the empire ransacking the temple for Kyber crystals. Hey, maybe one of the duels could be Vader against two or three angry and vengeful Guardians of the Whills monks!

The duels would be very tense and dramatic. Nothing like what you saw in the PT, but great swordsmanship drawing inspiration from the very best cinematic fights but with very creative and thoughtful use of the Force.

Imagine something along the lines this scene (from Harakiri).

I wanted post a subbed trailer for The Sword of Doom b/c I think that film is the best example of the overall tone and mood for the film I’m envisioning, but I wasn’t able to find one. But if you’re interested, google will turn up lots of info… if you catch my drift. Also Criterion has it available on BD and DVD.


Rogue One’s Vader is the kind of Vader I expect in the timeline closer to RotS. It’s too jarring to see nimble Vader so close to ANH. But I mean, I wouldn’t mind a Vader film around that timeline, hunting Jedi.

The Rise of Failures


TavorX said:

Rogue One’s Vader is the kind of Vader I expect in the timeline closer to RotS. It’s too jarring to see nimble Vader so close to ANH. But I mean, I wouldn’t mind a Vader film around that timeline, hunting Jedi.

Using one handed blade work isn’t being nimble; jumping all over the place and running swiftly is being nimble as far as the dictionary is concerned.


I want to see a movie where the First Order builds the Quantum Annihilator, a superweapon capable of destroying entire universes. They’d go from universe to universe, destroying them for some reason, before a conglomerate of freedom fighters from millions of alternate timelines comes together to destroy the Quantum Annihilator. The resulting shockwave reverberates through the multiverse, altering most of the remaining universes, sparking off yet another reboot for the franchise.


Lord Haseo said:

TavorX said:

Rogue One’s Vader is the kind of Vader I expect in the timeline closer to RotS. It’s too jarring to see nimble Vader so close to ANH. But I mean, I wouldn’t mind a Vader film around that timeline, hunting Jedi.

Using one handed blade work isn’t being nimble; jumping all over the place and running swiftly is being nimble as far as the dictionary is concerned.

You’re right.
Fluid would be the better word.

The Rise of Failures


I don’t know. I think that Vader is an awesome character, but I’m not sure he can carry a movie. The limited time he had in R1 is what made those moments great. Even the Vader comic that’s out right now is enjoyable, but to me proves that he can’t carry a story as a lead.

As for the super-weapon. No more super-weapons…



TavorX said:

Lord Haseo said:

TavorX said:

Rogue One’s Vader is the kind of Vader I expect in the timeline closer to RotS. It’s too jarring to see nimble Vader so close to ANH. But I mean, I wouldn’t mind a Vader film around that timeline, hunting Jedi.

Using one handed blade work isn’t being nimble; jumping all over the place and running swiftly is being nimble as far as the dictionary is concerned.

You’re right.
Fluid would be the better word.

I would probably agree with you if we had a scene of slaughtering Rebels in the OT. Such a scene would have been shot in a completely different from the Vader vs Ben duel for a myriad of reasons. The most pertinent of which is that you don’t have to develop the choreography around Sir Alec Guinness.


CartoonWarp said:
Even the Vader comic that’s out right now is enjoyable, but to me proves that he can’t carry a story as a lead.

You’re not accounting for the fact that the writing in the Vader comic was not all that great for the most part.


Neither was the writing for Rogue One… heh



CartoonWarp said:

Neither was the writing for Rogue One… heh

I agree; more spectacle than substance with that one. As to my original point, with good writing a post ROTS Vader film could be very good as there is more than enough there in terms of character stuff. Plus we would get to see Vader kill Jedi…I mean come on.


Lord Haseo said:

TavorX said:

Lord Haseo said:

TavorX said:

Rogue One’s Vader is the kind of Vader I expect in the timeline closer to RotS. It’s too jarring to see nimble Vader so close to ANH. But I mean, I wouldn’t mind a Vader film around that timeline, hunting Jedi.

Using one handed blade work isn’t being nimble; jumping all over the place and running swiftly is being nimble as far as the dictionary is concerned.

You’re right.
Fluid would be the better word.

I would probably agree with you if we had a scene of slaughtering Rebels in the OT. Such a scene would have been shot in a completely different from the Vader vs Ben duel for a myriad of reasons. The most pertinent of which is that you don’t have to develop the choreography around Sir Alec Guinness.

I see where you’re coming from, but it’s not so much having to do with the Ben duel. And true, there isn’t a Vader-Rebel slaughter fest in the OT, however, there’s much to be said in how Vader deals with normal infantry. From the start of ANH, who takes out a band of Rebels, no larger than the amount from Rogue One? Stormtroopers. Vader strangles only one Rebel and tosses him aside through sheer strength (not even using the Force overtly!)
In ESB, while it’s unclear if Vader and his ground troopers came across any Rebel resistance, the fact remains Vader took a group of troopers with him to take out remaining forces on Hoth. Then with his encounter with Han Solo, he never even used his saber to block blaster fire. He’s really restrained in his tactics.

What I’m trying to get at is that I’m more fond of the idea of OT Vader that only used his saber against force users. If there are normal Rebels to take care of, he uses stormtroopers. The fluid combat shown in Rogue One just begs the question why didn’t Vader use his one-hit wonder skills against a similar number of foes, like in ANH? I would like to think that as Vader aged, the more limited his skill with a lightsaber diminished but sufficient enough to go against other duelists and not so much against overwhelming and disposable forces. That’s what the stormtroopers are for and seems pretty evident that this is the case for the OT and should had also applied to RO given the extremely tiny time gap between the films. This is why it’s jarring to me, especially watching them back to back. Again, RO’s Vader is suited better for a timeline closer to RotS, IMO.

The Rise of Failures


I’d much rather them create a brand new character we can latch onto, rather than milking Vader for the 8th time.



Eh, regarding the scene in R1, Vader clearly brings troops with him. Its evidenced by both his line about preparing a boarding party and the fact that Stormtroopers show up next to him as they watch the Tantive IV fly away. As to why he takes on the rebels single handedly? Perhaps he had his team split up to search the ship faster and he just happened to be the one who found them first. He didn’t really have time to wait for backup. It’s an entirely different scenario than the opening of Star Wars where he’s cornered and captured the ship and can take his time letting the troops storm it.

Now, as for my film idea, I do think the fear of Vader not being able to carry a film is a valid concern that must be dealt with. But I don’t think it’s an insurmountable problem. We already know all we need to about him; he needs no character development. However he can still be the protagonist in that he is the catalyst and the driving force that propels the film. But even so, the focus of the run time would actually be on his victims. Getting to know who they are, how their covers were blown and the Empire finds them, how they deal with the fear of knowing Vader is coming for them. Again, this is roughly similar to how things are done in The Sword of Doom.

Also, I had an idea for a scene (perhaps the opening of the movie?) where Vader commands the team that ransacks the Kyber temple with the monks who would later seek him out watching in horror/terror. Perhaps they vow to avenge the desecration and go hunting for Vader, tracking him each time he hunts down another Jedi until they are able to confront him. Maybe this would be the big finale. Vader against a team of force sensitive (but NOT Jedi!) Guardians of the Whills. Or maybe it’s just the opening scene and the monks attack on site and overwhelm the Stormtroopers until Vader steps in.

At any rate, while it would be a “Darth Vader movie”, I actually envision it having Vader onscreen for not much more than he’s featured in ESB. I think it could really work. Man, the more I think about this, the more I REALLY want to see it made! Anybody happen to have an in with John Knoll or Kathleen Kennedy…?