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Post #1060951

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Ranking the Star Wars films
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Date created
31-Mar-2017, 12:16 PM

Lord Haseo said:

chyron8472 said:

Several of those questions about TFA are answered in the book. That is, if you care you know the answers to them, but you probably don’t.

Stuff like the relationship between the New Republic and the Resistance and why Han and Chewie found the Falcon so fast is explained in the movie as well. Also a line or two isn’t enough to please everyone. Some people needs things to be fleshed out a little more.

A slightly different opening crawl, a different selection of scenes (some of the stuff was filmed but cut… the BR does not have even a fraction of the deleted scenes and doesn’t have any of the good ones) and just a tiny bit more logical thought and this movie could have been error free and great. But that isn’t Abrams style. And no one should have to read the book to understand the movie. There is nothing in the movie about the republic having rotating capitals, nothing about it having a tiny fleet. Some of this can be inferred, but mostly it just doesn’t make sense. Abrams gave us the characters, the environment, but he failed to deliver the scope. His Star Wars is small. Lucas’s Star Wars is epic in scale. He has the First Order destroy one system and makes it sound like they destroyed the Republic. In Lucas’s Star Wars, Coruscant could be wiped out and the fleet would still exist, the regional governments would still exist. And the entire section of Rey and Finn escaping on the Falcon is full of holes. How did they evade the Star Destroyer? Were they not tracking their ships on the surface? The Falcon should have been chased out of the atmosphere and jumped to hyperspace and then the hyperdrive fails and dumps them someplace for Han and Chewy to find (that could have been done in the current running time). As it stands they fly into space and Han and Chewy pick them up instead of the New Order. What were Han and Chewy doing at Jakku and why didn’t the Star Destroyer bother them? So many inconsistencies in once scene that it give me a headache. And then when the Starkiller fires, that just makes no sense. The Death Star at least was near its target. No mention of why Starkiller can just shoot and the system gets destroyed. No logic how Han and Finn could see it happening (the single most fantastic, unscientific, and unrealistic event in all 8 movies). Abrams gets and A for set design and characters, but an F for story.