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Post #1060856

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Rogue One * Spoilers * Thread
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Date created
30-Mar-2017, 11:13 PM

oojason said:

Gareth Edwards Reveals ‘Rogue One’s Kyber Crystals Easter Egg in Jedha…



Jedha’s Kyber Crystals Came From an Asteroid in ‘Rogue One’, But Where Did the Asteroid Come From?..


This was one of the dumbest things in R1. If you go back and look at the original trilogy, there was no pseudo-scientific explanation for how anything worked. Lightsabers simply existed, a very small number of people had them and used them, and that’s all you needed to know.

As this was a spin-off anthology film, I might have found something like this interesting, if the filmmakers had really made a true science-fiction film, including extensive research and thorough presentation. But it’s really just a bunch of wannabes who don’t know anything, making something up out of their *** and thinking “yeah, that’ll work”.

It wasn’t Star Wars. It wasn’t science fiction. I don’t know what it was.