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Post #1060410

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Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD *
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Date created
29-Mar-2017, 12:51 PM

imperialscum said:

Exactly. I wanted it to be well-written and well-structured story, and it ended up being a complete mess.

Well, you aren’t the only one with that opinion. I was dreading it from the moment I found out Abrams was involved. He would have been my last choice. But he makes blockbusters so it kind of made sense. Except his is as inept at story telling as he is brilliant at characters. I went in with an open mind and the first time I saw it a few things bothered me and more and more of the movie bothers me all the time. It has some huge plot holes, huge information gaps, and a sucky ending (basically putting off resolving the story for the next writer and director rather than having an individual story installment). I have read up on Rian Johnson and I am hopeful that he can do what Abrams failed to do - craft a spectacular story.