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Post #1060317

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Star Wars Episode I: Cloak Of Deception (Released)
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Date created
29-Mar-2017, 4:56 AM

I finished this episode
Now I remember perfectly why I didnt like the prequels,and understand why some people in their fanedits cut everything except the final swordfight in this one
Anyway you did a great job…
I know this should be the final release, but ,as always everyone has an opinion and I think you like to hear them all
The things I would change
-I liked the anti-cheese version of Neimoidian…you could make them say anything you want they should sound like invasors ,not a coward ones…but your version isnt bad
-Also the same with Jar-jar…you could make him more say or less the same…but then you should change the way he speaks the entire movie and even all the gungahs,in the rest of the movies jar jar works in the senate so maybe he can speak the common language the way he did
-In this way you could also add a reason for jar jar to go with the jedi(I can show you a safe way to the citadel,making him more important) and even hint that humans and gungahs are not in good relationadding something like we are not wellcomed there usually ,but I own you my life
-Add back in Jabba the Hutt & Bib Fortuna.everyone loves slugs
-Pod race is ok
-I also would remove the dialogue about Anakin´s mom saying it was a virginal conception…I would remove the entire dialogue,or as its natural for quigon to try to know the father,make her say.
SHMI: There was no father. I carried him, I gave birth, I raised him. Can you help him?
Like there was no father , who I fuck with is my own bussines,help my child or GTFO, you damm jedi
I know its would be hard to do ,or maybe it doesnt sound good ,but midiclorians and virgin mary/shmi are even worse than jar jar accent

-You did a great job with jar jar in the fight,he is clumsy but at least is not an asshole
with the material you have,you did really well

-There is no way to solve the anakin blowing the ship scene

Your fan edit is one of the best in my humble opinion

Another thing is if I could get the subtitles in srt I could make an spanish translation

And I know this is off topic,but It crossed my mind how to make someone seeing the movies from the start and maintain the surprise of, luke,I´m your father…the easiest way could be to avoid giving luke a surname ,and change ben dialogue as your father was a friend of mine…he was killed by darth vader…Im sure your father would like you to have his sword or something like that,something really complicated to do
I have an small child an nephews and I want them to enjoy the films now(or in some years) and enjoy them when they grow old so edited versions are the only way