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Post #1059605

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Ranking the Star Wars films
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Date created
27-Mar-2017, 12:35 PM

I have not decided yet if Rogue One comes up to the OT in quality. It far exceeds the quality of the other four movies so for now I am putting it between the OT and PT in ranking. And I have become increasingly annoyed with the starfield in The Force Awakens so my opinion of it continues to be bad. I think I can partially forgive Lucas for some of his gaffs in the PT because he gave us the OT. But I cannot forgive Abrams for what he did to Star Trek and so the flaws of TFA are far more glaring to me and highly annoy me to a greater extent. My opinion may change depending on how TLJ and IX are. But not yet. Rogue one just has proven how bad TFA really is.