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Post #1057918

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Ranking the Star Wars films
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Date created
22-Mar-2017, 3:38 AM

Alderaan said:

TPM was at least shot on film, and didn’t have Yoda flying around like a monkey. That seals it for me.

Plus, the factory sequence. Which I would never remember, if not for RLM, since I only saw the POS once.

The fact that it was shot on film doesn’t really matter to me. If anything it just makes the poorly aged CGI stand out more. And Yoda flying around like a monkey is less offensive than kiddie Vader to me. The legacy of both characters from the originals is basically destroyed, but it’s far worse in the latter case as far as I’m concerned. At least the fact that Yoda was a “great warrior” leaves open the possibility that he fought like that; the Anakin in TPM was sure as fuck not the “best star pilot in the galaxy” described by Obi-Wan.

Also nothing in the factory sequence is any worse than the childish toilet humor prevalent throughout TPM. Humor is not literally derived from Jar Jar Binks stepping in shit.