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Post #1057646

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Ranking the Star Wars films
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Date created
21-Mar-2017, 10:46 AM

ray_afraid said:

Ryan-SWI said:

darthrush said:

…get annoyed when users revert to childish behavior and mock people who like the Disney films. They are not policing people who disagree with them.

You mean like reverting to childish behaviour and mocking people for liking the prequels?
I would enjoy knowing why it’s okay for some people to be childish and mock people for their differing opinions, but not vice versa. I’d also like to know which lame justification I’ll get this time.
There are a lot of double standards here but I think the “you can’t disagree with me but I can disagree with you, and in turn mock you” may be the biggest one.
There’s not one sole perpetrator but the irony of arguments like these surely can’t be lost on everyone.

Nobody here is going to PrequelTrilogy dot com to bash the PT. If you want a place to discuss your PT love, maybe OriginalTrilogy dot com isn’t the best place.
Keep in mind that the only uniting thread we all share here is a love of the Original Trilogy. Don’t expect people to share or respect your opinion of anything else, but you are free to have whatever opinions your have on any subject. And everybody is free to state their disagreement and engage in debate.

Sorry Ray but this a very poor argument. If you follow your argument, the same could be said for TFA lovers: “If they want a place to discuss their TFA love, maybe OriginalTrilogy dot com isn’t the best place”.

There should not be double standards when it comes to PT lovers and TFA lovers.