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Which did you prefer, the SE or the 2004 DVD edition?

Which did you like?

The 1997 SE or the 2004 DVD edition.
"A Jedi can feel the force flow through him".
of the two (though i have only seen ANH in the 2004 version) i have to go with the 1997. cause even though Lucas made changes then that were pointless and what not, the 2004 DVD changes take it to a whole new level of ruining a perfectly good movie.

Some where minor changes, but more (if not all of the changes, not even talking about the mistakes) are just a slap in the face to people who just want the OOT. Anakin's ghost, Fett's voice, new Emperor Dialog, new shuttle scene with Vader. Its truly insulting (im perfectly capable of infering that vader traveled via a shuttle, i dont need you to show it with footage from another movie)

-Darth Simon
Why Anakin really turned to the dark side:
"Anakin, You're father I am" - Yoda
"No. No. That's not true! That's impossible!" - Anakin


*touchy people disclaimer*
some or all of the above comments are partially exaggerated to convey a point, none of the comments are meant as personal attacks on anyone mentioned or reference in the above post
good reasonable points. i can't argue with him but i'd go with the 2004 DVD, because the nasty "pink tint" in A New Hope was erased, the lightsabers were spruced up (Not the pink saber in ESB!) Jabba looked better,

The Ian McDiarmid Emperor in ESB.
"A Jedi can feel the force flow through him".
I haven't watched the 2004 SE's other than the changes. While I detest both SE's, it probably goes something like this for me:

2004 ANH > '97 ANH *("better" looking Jabba, improved lightsabers, "better" Han/Greedo)

'97 ESB > 2004 ESB (While I don't mind the inclusion of IM, I don't like the dialogue)

'97 ROTJ > 2004 ROTJ (I'll never understand the inclusion of HC at the end)

Therefore, I prefer the '97 SE's.

* better = less crappy
40,000 million notches away
I truly believe in the 1997 S.E.'s as the natural progression of the OT, if there was to be one. The added scenes seem more fluid aside from the fact that Lucas and company could have made them look a bit more dated to match the rest of the films better instead of trying to brighten up the rest of the films to match the scenes. The 2004 S.E.'s can smoke "cat puke" for all I care. The bonus material disc is the only piece of that box set that has a welcomed purpose.............that's my story and I am sticking to it.....lmao

Peace 2 U ALL!!!!
ANH-2004 SE>1997 SE
ESB-2004 SE>1997 SE
ROTJ-1997 SE>2004 SE

Overall-1997 I know 2004 got 2 votes but Hayden,AHHHHHH!!!!!
"You don't know the power of the Dark Side!"

"When Theres No More Room In Hell,The Dead Will Walk The Earth"
The 2004 DVDs. The SEs seem like a half-completed work-in-progress, but then again, so do the DVDs, albeit 2/3 finished. ANH gets major points for finally correcting Vader's voice, and improving the lightsabers in the duel as well. In ESB, the HORRIBLE screaming Luke was removed, and although I was a bit underwhelmed by Ian's performance as the Emperor, at least Palpatine is no longer an old woman with monkey eyes. And in RotJ, the Rancor was at last correctly composited. The picture quality in all three films is unmatched.

For now I'll overlook stuff like the numerous new saber errors, the end celebration, and Hayden in hopes that those are on the list for the next third of corrections. If not, that's what fan edits are for.
Can't comment as I've only seen the SEs a few times each (ANH and ESB only; I've only seen ROTJ:SE all the way through once) and I haven't seen any of the 2004 DVD editions.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
I have to go with with the 2004 DVD sets on this.

Something weird happened to me just about the time those DVDs came out.

For some strange reason I just stopped caring about what George Lucas does to these movies. I think something snapped in my head. It's like one day I woke up and just went "OK I’m not going to fight it anymore." After that I kind of enjoyed the DVDs. I thought they were a fun time to watch and for the first time sense 97 I wasn't wondering what was changed. I just sort of fell into the movies again and just watched them for fun. I hadn't done that sense I was a kid and it really changed the way I viewed the trilogy. Suddenly I just didn't care.

Now don't get me wrong I still would like to see an official release of the OT on DVD. I mean who here wouldn't but to me at least I’m actually really happy with the DVD sets that are out there. I can watch the OT on DVD if I want to but 9 times out of 10 I’ll pop in the new DVDs.

I still don't care for the Han fire thing or the ghost thing but other than that I was really complacent with the new DVDs. To me most of the changes seemed like a step toward the OT while still moving forward with GL's vision.

call me crazy...
2004 DVDs.

I'm a mainstream Star Wars fan exploring the extremes of Star Wars fandom. My views will no doubt be unpopular. I shall be kind and courteous in my postings, and I hope you will be too.

2004 DVDs ... but if I had the choice, I'd choose the O-OT

pro 2004 Edition:
-for whatever you might say about Lucas' irrational devotion to SFX and image quality, you have to admit, they look pretty amazing (clarity, color accuracy, etc.)
-better Jabba (why they couldn't get him to the quality of his PM counterpart I can't figure ...) and other CG characters
-Ian McDiarmid in ESB
-Updated ROTJ ending celebrations
-Han is getting closer to shooting first again LOL

things I didn't care for:
-Anakin's ghost - that's fairly unforgivable IMHO
-green lightsaber in ANH? How did this happen? and lightsaber inconsistencies in other scenes ...

Other than that, the changes seemed pretty minor. Honestly, I don't see how refusing to release the O-OT gets Lucas more money. I think it's a case of an "artist" being too interested in pleasing himself to accept outside input. That can be seen as a good or bad thing ... personally, I wish I could have a nice transfer of the films as they originally were. LOL, but somehow, I don't think that's an original thought on these boards.
Its a question of the lesser of two evils.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter evenings."
can't and won't vote. I like the SE's, but mistakes were made in both versions, and improvements were made in both versions.

1997 good:
Inclusion of some Biggs footage.
Better music than Yub Nub to end the saga.
Restoring the Jabba scene in ANH was good in concept, but ...

1997 bad:
CG Jabba wasn't very good looking, and his dialogue was ultimately repetitive.
Luke's wussy scream in ESB

2004 Good:
CG Jabba was much better
getting rid of Luke's wussy scream
vastly improved Rancor compositing.
Ian McD playing the Emperor, but ...

2004 Bad:
Nonsensical dialogue added to Ian's scene in ESB. Couldn't just reshoot the same dialogue could they?
Bad title card in ANH
New Krayt call in ANH
Screwed up surround channels and missing Yavin fanfare in ANH
"Wesa Free" in ROTJ
Hayden Christensen ruining Anakin's redemption. ROTJ

Both versions bad:
Hokey robot/jawa slapstick in the Mos Eisley entrance
Greedo shooting first
Jedi Rocks
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
They corrected Vader's voice? Can't believe I didn't notice.

I would've appreciated the Emperor more if he'd had the exact same dialogue in TESB.
VADER: Let me look on you with my own eyes...

LUKE: Dad, where are your eyebrows?

What's less horrible, you mean? 2004 for ANH, 1997 for ESB and ROTJ.
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
In the dvd version a tiny bit of JEJ voice was tweaked a bit in A New Hope.
"A Jedi can feel the force flow through him".
How so? Could you give me an example? I never noticed.

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.

Just listen to his voice and compare it to every preceding version, it has obviously been remixed to sound more hollow and reverberated like ESB and ROTJ.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter evenings."
Yes i noticed the line in the death star battle "We will destroy them, one by one.." sounded like ESB JEJ.
"A Jedi can feel the force flow through him".
I prefer the 2004 versions better. I watched them in Science class, and they look excellent.
Rock. Nirvana. Awsomeness.


Science Class??
"A Jedi can feel the force flow through him".
Originally posted by: Mackey256
I have to go with with the 2004 DVD sets on this.

Something weird happened to me just about the time those DVDs came out.
For some strange reason I just stopped caring about what George Lucas does to these movies. I think something snapped in my head. It's like one day I woke up and just went "OK I’m not going to fight it anymore."

I would say you succumbed to the DARK SIDE!!!!! ;-P

totally agreed with you there.
"A Jedi can feel the force flow through him".

I had succumbed to the dark side look before that...