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Post #1056236

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Date created
15-Mar-2017, 5:27 PM

I disagree that there needs to be a scene with Lando and Han reconciling. Lando did the right thing and Han knows it. I would like a scene where that conversation happens.

I never said there needs to be a certain way it needs to happen, all I said is Lando’s betrayal is unaddressed. I’d be fine with either of the things you suggested, but as is it just seems to be forgotten as if it didn’t even happen, which is weird. There’s simply nothing in the movie that gives us anything other than “How are you, old chum, tra la la!” when the dynamic between the two could have been much more interesting.

The only point I disagree with is when you said Luke seeing good in Vader is naive. He surely should have felt something in Vader when he was offered a place at his side. I wish Luke could have said something like “Bringing our father back won’t undo all the things he’s done but it’s a start” or something stating the realistic nature of redeeming the right hand of The Devil.

I just think it was done in a very black and white way, when it could have been much more complicated. Vader’s eventual turn is great, one of my favorite moments in the trilogy, but Luke just believing there’s good in him without really giving any reason (his reaction at the end of ESB didn’t really convince me he felt anything for being offered a place at his side, and that specific point isn’t really addressed in ROTJ), and just the phrase, “The good side!” rubs me the wrong way. It’s not something I felt would have been uttered in the previous films. Luke’s conversation with Ben could have really set up Luke’s motivations, but it’s also a missed opportunity.

In the original two films, it looks like Vader is slowly gaining power, rather than being the right hand of “The Devil”, as you say. His character is pretty different in ROTJ, he doesn’t do any of the dirty work he used to, he just sulks around. It’s odd to me.