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Post #1055130

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What was George Lucas's worst decision with the Star Wars franchise?
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Date created
11-Mar-2017, 11:58 PM

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say making the SEs was his worse decision, not just burying the originals.

It was the beginning of the slippery slope that brought us both the current state of the SEs, the absence of the original cuts from the public domain, and the dismal quality of the prequel movies.

If he hadn’t decided that the OT films were incomplete pictures, he would have had to make prequels that were compatible with the existing narrative and style. Instead, not only did he modify the aesthetic of the originals to match his vision for what became the prequels, having already opened the Pandora’s box, he went ahead and made further changes as he was completing the PT instead of ensuring continuity in style and story telling through PT production alone.

In away, his decision to make the SEs damaged both parts of his saga.