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what is the real blue color of the lightsabers cyan or dark blue? — Page 2


TV’s Frink said:

They should all be air superiority blue.

I have to say that any form of grey/blue is really amazing so I agree.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Tyrphanax said:

TV’s Frink said:

They should all be air superiority blue.

I have to say that any form of grey/blue is really amazing so I agree.

Two votes for air superiority blue. If the motion passes, we’ll officially make the change.


Ok, I don’t know how to show the image on here, but I did represent the colors of the Anakin, Luke, Rey lightsaber colors. The second image is an almost color corrected lightsaber color that should be used throughout the saga. They only need to redo the rotoscope for A New Hope and there will be no more inconsistencies.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/tf9jgf64pljmp17/Anakin Luke Rey lightsaber color.bmp?dl=0

The image with the fixed color.



They should make them all the same color throughout all the films. I prefer the color that Anakin has in Episode 2 and 3, as well as Luke’s in Episode 5, and Rey’s in Episode 7 and 8.

Those pretty much match each other, with only a slight difference. It’s the cyan color in Episode 4 that is waaaaaaay off the other films. You only have to fix one film, not 7.


^Correction: the rest of the films should have been made to match the original from the start.



jedimasterobiwan said:

So a new hopes lightsaber’ss colors should be edited then?

‘colors’ is right. In ANH, the lightsaber changes color in nearly every scene it’s in. ANH’s colors should just be ignored imo; Empire at least had consistency.

What, a man builds a giant mound of dirt in his house and you aren’t entertained?


darthrush said:

My favorite shade of blue is the one when we see Luke ignite his fathers light saber for the first time.

Me too.

Of course, I’m thinking of how it looks on the GOUT and VHS – a vibrant cyan. IIRC, the hue is different on other prints of the movie.


DuracellEnergizer said:

darthrush said:

My favorite shade of blue is the one when we see Luke ignite his fathers light saber for the first time.

Me too.

Of course, I’m thinking of how it looks on the GOUT and VHS – a vibrant cyan. IIRC, the hue is different on other prints of the movie.

Vibrant cyan is a spot on description of what I love most. The darker saturated blue in the prequel trilogy does not appeal as much to me.

Return of the Jedi: Remastered

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